put serdca

The "abode of light" (Valgusekoda) is our dream of an inner space of light in each of us! Our "House with a Heart" and the plot "Valgusekoda" are the embodiment of our dreams. We hope to inspire others to seek and create their own inner and outer "space of light".

With your help, our dream will come true faster!


Supporting us is very easy!

You can transfer via PayPal The amount can be any.

The best thing for us is that you enjoy it.


If you want to help anonymously, then in the explanation of the payment, by clicking on the "+", indicate: "Donate, noname".


You can make a transfer to a bank account.

Bank transfer details:
Iban: EE801010010364807013
Payment description: “donate” or “donate, noname”



You can also repost and share our page on social networks. This will be great too!

FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter.

We will gladly publish the name of everyone who supported us here on our web page.

And may life give you a hundred times more!

♥ Good health to you! ♥



You are our angel!